

    篮球字〔2017〕174号 各省、自治区、直辖市体育局青竞处(篮球中心)、中央军委政治工作部宣传局文化处、各赛区: 关于第十三届全国运动会篮球运动员的骨龄核查工作,我们早已在2014年和2015年做到过核查。

    阿森纳1-1利物浦利物浦平阿森纳维持全胜近期体育报道,北京时间2018年11月5日14:26:07 (英国当地时间3日17:30),马内在队友传球瞬间正处于越位,并势图参予反攻,但看见菲米飞速前插就转变了运球路线,这个不道德只得够得上越位判罚,不过一般来说是会被判的,而这球否失误也纠葛于此,那就想到边裁的展现出,如果这球要被判越位,那么在菲米前插打算触球,边裁一定要举旗,可大家看清楚没有,直到菲米触球时,边裁的手仍然是耳着的!这解释边裁不指出菲米射门是越位,这次反攻有效地!也就是说下一次判罚从菲米触球时开始算数,而马内在菲米触球时不越位,所以裁判是没有看清楚,造成他失误了!所以的不懂球帝们请求搞懂,马内越位和马内进球是两次反攻,不属于同一次判罚,请求细心想到边裁的旗语再行来说出吧!2018/19赛季英超第11轮一场焦点战在酋长球场进行争夺战,阿森纳主场1比1战平利物浦,米尔纳超越僵局,拉卡泽特扳平比数。

    comScore today announced an initiative to work with Google to provide independent brand safety reporting of advertising campaigns on YouTube. This new collaboration is part of Google’s efforts to provide advertisers with greater visibility into the context in which their ads appear. comScore uses a proprietary brand safety engine that is integral to its validated Campaign Essentials™ (vCE) suite. This technology continuously monitors patterns within text content to identify the brand safety of a given ad context – both in general and for specific campaigns, on both mobile and desktop platforms. 1、This new collaboration is part of Google’s efforts to provide advertisers with greater visibility into the context in which their ads appear. 2、comScore continuously monitors content across mobile and desktop platforms to identify the brand safety of a given ad context – both in general and for specific campaigns. 3、To power this solution, comScore uses a proprietary brand safety engine that is integral to our validated Campaign Essentials (vCE) suite.“Monitoring online content for brand safety is a complex challenge, particularly in an environment that has the vast scale and growth of YouTube,” said Dan Hess, executive vice president of products at comScore. “We’re delighted to see Google taking further action to monitor and increase brand safety, and appreciate its vote of confidence in selecting comScore to be part of this initiative.” About comScore comScore is a leading cross-platform measurement company that measures audiences, brands and consumer behavior everywhere.comScore completed its merger with Rentrak Corporation in January 2016, to create the new model for a dynamic, cross-platform world. Built on precision and innovation, our data footprint combines proprietary digital, TV and movie intelligence withvast demographic detailstoquantify consumers’ multiscreen behavior at massive scale.This approach helps media companies monetize their complete audiences and allows marketers to reach these audiences more effectively.Withmore than 3,200 clients andglobal footprint in more than 75 countries, comScore is delivering the future of measurement.Shares of comScore stock are currently traded on the OTC Market (OTC: SCOR). For more information on comScore, please visitcomscore.com. Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including, but not limited to, expectations regarding the impact and benefits to comScore from our collaboration with Google and our vCE family of products. These statements are based on our current expectations of future events and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from expectations, including, but not limited to: the features and characteristics of our products and technology; our integration with Google and other partners; the effects of our merger with Rentrak Corporation; the rate of development of the digital marketing intelligence, Internet advertising and e-Commerce markets; and the acceptance of new products and methodologies by the industry, including existing and prospective comScore clients and partners. For additional discussion of risk factors, please refer to comScore’s respective Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Annual Reports on Form 10-K and other filings comScore makes from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), which are available on the SEC’s website (www.sec.gov). Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date such statements are made. comScore does not intend or undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances or new information after the date of this press release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
